Small business loans help turn small ideas into big dreams. With a U.S. Small Business Administration 504 (SBA 504) from GSB, you get the funds to grow your small business—and we get to be part of the incredible journey.
Business owners know first-hand about growth and job creation. SBA-guaranteed loans come in multiple forms and terms. Speak to your GSB Commercial Loan Officer to find out how we can help.
SBA 504 Loans to Help Grow Your Business
- What is a SBA 504 loan?
- What can a SBA loan be used for?
- What are the key aspects of a SBA 504 loan?
Benefits and Purpose of SBA Loans
SBA loans are government-guaranteed small business loans that are backed by the Small Business Administration and are designed to help individuals qualify for funds to help their business. With less strict eligibility requirements, SBA loans can be particularly helpful when business owners are not yet able to secure funding via traditional loans or other sources.

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