Young couple in their home looking at a laptop
July 05, 2024
As homeowners build equity over time, they often seek ways to tap into this asset to address various financial needs. A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) has emerged as a popular and versatile option for leveraging home equity. This financial tool allows homeowners to borrow against the value of their property, providing access to […]
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Man working on deck
May 11, 2024
We understand the importance of providing our clients with comprehensive information and guidance on financial products and services. We also recognize that there can sometimes be confusion around home lending products which is why we’ve put together this simple breakdown. One key area where homeowners often seek assistance is in understanding the differences between home […]
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Couple moving boxes into new home
May 01, 2024
For most people, homeownership is an important milestone that signifies financial stability and success. However, the decision to buy a home comes with many considerations, including which type of mortgage you should apply for. Among the various mortgage options available, the fixed-rate mortgage is widely popular and preferred by many homebuyers. In fact, according to […]
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April 05, 2024
As a local Connecticut community bank committed to providing valuable financial guidance to our customers, we at GSB understand the importance of making the right decision when it comes to your mortgage. In today’s dynamic housing market, it’s more important than ever to fully understand your options. We’ve put together this detailed guide to help you […]
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