Man sitting at desk balancing his checkbook and managing his money.
August 06, 2024
Effective money management is an essential skill for maintaining financial stability and promoting long-term financial health. Whether you’re navigating a budget for the first time or laying the groundwork for future investments, understanding the principles of money management will provide the necessary foundation to achieve your financial goals. This comprehensive guide aims to highlight the […]
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Young couple working on a computer together
May 26, 2024
As a local community bank, we understand the importance of effectively managing your financial resources so that they can go the furthest for you. One of the key elements of good money management is optimizing your savings and checking accounts. Let’s walk through some valuable tips and strategies to help you make the most of […]
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Young man sitting on a bench
May 23, 2024
Going to college or finally striking out on your own is an exciting time in your life, filled with new opportunities and experiences. It’s also a time when financial responsibility and smart money management become vitally important. One of the best ways for young adults to start on the right financial path is by finding […]
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Woman working on her finances on couch
May 03, 2024
You know you need a bank account, but with so many options it can be daunting to make a choice. Are you worried about overdrawing and being hit with fees? Or maybe you’re tired of searching for the account with the best interest rate because they’re always changing? If you’re looking to start better managing […]
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