Connecticut Banker Association Statement: PPP Loan Updates
The follow is a press release from the CONNECTICUT BANKERS ASSOCIATION.
Saturday, April 4, 2020- “Day one of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has come and gone and already $4 billion in loans have been processed nationwide – meaning small business owners have already begun to receive the help they need. Connecticut’s banks are resolute that qualifying businesses will be able to continue to apply and receive their loans soon.
“As we navigate through last-minute PPP changes that were made and the challenges of accessing the heavily taxed Small Business Administration (SBA) processing system, we simply ask that people be patient with their lender as they work to get them the help they need. This will be a very busy week coming up for all of us, but the banks are determined that anyone who qualifies for a PPP loan will have access to one very soon. We are here for you will get you the help you need. -Connecticut Bankers Association